VILLANCICOS EN INGLÉS: O Christmas tree | Bosque de Fantasías

Villancicos en inglés: O Christmas tree

Villancicos en inglés: O Christmas tree

Canción de Navidad: O Christmas tree


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

how lovely are your branches.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

how lovely are your branches.

Not only green in summer’s heat,

but also winter’s snow and sleet.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

how lovely are your branches.


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

of all the trees most lovely;

o Christmas tree, o Christmas tree,

of all the trees most lovely.

Each year you bring to us delight,

with brightly shining Christmas light.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

of all the trees most lovely.


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

we learn from all your beauty.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

we learn from all your beauty.

Your bright green leaves with festive cheer,

give hope and strength throughout the year.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

we learn from all your beauty.


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

we learn from all your beauty.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

we learn from all your beauty.

Your branches green in summer’s glow,

and evergreen in winter’s snow.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree

you stand in splendid beauty!


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

you stand in splendid beauty!

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

of all the trees most lovely.

Each year you bring to us delight,

with brightly shining Christmas light!


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

Of all the trees most lovely.

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